Student Solution


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week 8 final answers

week 8 final answers

Q Qs1: Carla Thomas, a nonsmoker, often encouraged her co-workers to quit smoking. Her new manager, Paul, a smoker, was annoyed by what he considered her constant nagging. He moved her desk from a separate room with a window to a cubicle surrounded by smokers, who smoked all day. Paul refused Carla's request to create a no-smoking area in the office and he refused her request to be moved back to the separate room. After four weeks of breathing secondhand smoke, Carla quit. What, if any, recourse does Carla have against her employer? Explain the possible legal theories for recovery and assess the likelihood of prevailing in the litigation.

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Carla may go for several potential routes to recover from this situation as she was continuously exposed to severe passive smoking in her workplace. The options are as follows: 1. She has the option to claim that he has been a victim of an unhealthy hostile environment but it will be difficult for her to win.